Instant Messaging (IM) is a reliable, user-friendly form of communications used in business for the past two decades. It operates over the internet and sends messages straight to the recipient’s laptop or mobile device. Unlike e-mail, instant messages are received in real time, automatically appearing on a user’s computer screen or smartphone. It allows for effortless communications in the workplace, making disruptions minimal so that your business can run more efficiently.

Built-In Convenience of Real-Time Communication
Instant messaging cuts down on time used to communicate between co-workers. Instead of pausing work to make a phone call, wait for an e-mail, or meet in-person, messages can be exchanged instantly. This promotes multitasking. Employees can exchange crucial information through IM while working on a spreadsheet or helping a customer. Instant messaging permits collaboration on projects and assignments from anywhere. Coworkers can remain in consistent communication whether they are in the same office or off-site. This is ideal for individuals who tele-work or businesses that have several locations, since instant messaging enables all collaborators to stay on the same page. Companies with multiple offices can constantly stay connected, so they can efficiently operate as one. Instant Messaging is also cost-effective because is shortens time commuting between locations.
A software development agency has two locations and allows employees to work remotely. Instant messaging allows all individuals to coordinate and contribute to projects from different locations. Project leaders can check individual progress to ensure their employees are working efficiently, even from home.
Improved Customer Service
The instant messaging feature sends and receives messages quickly if both users are online. If utilized to communicate with customers, instant messaging would give consumers immediate responses to their questions. A more typical use of instant messaging is to improve internal communications, which affect the customer experience.
Sometimes consumers ask questions outside of a standard employee’s realm of knowledge. Rather than placing clients on hold, employees can get feedback from management or a coworker instantly. Workers can provide their full attention to customers and find needed information without leaving their desks.
Scenario: An employee at a consulting agency begins helping a client over the phone, and then goes on their lunch break. During this time, the client calls back and reaches a different employee. While maintaining rapport with the customer, the second employee is able to message their coworker and get quickly updated on the client’s information.
Additional Benefits for Employees
There are other advantages to integrating instant messaging into your business’s communication plan. Messages are automatically logged, so employees can verify information through detailed records. These past conversations can be used to prevent miscommunication between coworkers and settle any potential disputes. Employees can also set indicators such as online, offline or busy, which highlights individual privacy and limits distractions in the workplace. Through these efforts, instant messaging improves employee productivity so your customers to receive the best service.